Friday, May 18, 2012

Dewdrop Kisses

Are those dewdrops I see
In your flower-petal eyes?

The thunderstorm shook
Even the majestic oaks,
The tower-tall trees

But your sweet fragrance
Kept the raging storm complaisant
You let it kiss you
Like the dawn kisses the face of earth in the morning

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Fun Fact: A safflower is the cousin of a sunflower! Who even knew there WERE such things as safflowers!? Not me... it was just on the back of my cracker box. 

Did you know that frozen cream and ice cream are the same chemically, but not physically?! 

Were you aware that by reading this question you are unconsciously knowing that you aren't the almost lover of a half-piglet, one-fourth cat and sixty-sevenths of a millionth celery stalk?!

Did you know I can't spell unconciously? 

Don't say cheese in the same sentence as superlative. 


Monday, May 14, 2012


I am making ice cream...

And also contemplating my love life (hahaha...that was a joke.)

And also taking pictures in the rain. Here they are:

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I love these purple flowers...then again, who doesn't love anything purple!

These are rose petals, in case you were wondering. 


Not quite sure what this actually is...but it looks cool :D

So many little time...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just a Couple of Poems


The pressure of your fingertips,
Slight and soft, 
Feels like tiny, tiptoeing ballerinas, 
Dancing on my palm.
And every time you squeeze
I have to close my eyes
And remember how real you are. 

How you walked right past
And never looked back.
And I know
I'm just a link in your chain
But I can't help 


I couldn't quite tell
As I looked across the room. 

She blurred the line between reality
And something much more fantastic.
Her eyes sparkled like the sea
On a summer day,

As mesmerizing and mysterious
As a morning fog. 

I almost expected wings
To sprout from her shoulder blades

So angel-like and perfect
It was only a matter of time before she flew. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lets Talk About Love

I don't know anything about love. Well, that's not true. I guess I do know a little bit. But I've never been in love. Now the word love is getting all mixed up in my head.

Definitions of love: adore, like very much, adoration; very strong liking, have sexual relations, the most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone, nature's way of tricking someone into reproducing, the desire for someone's soul, giving someone the power to destroy you and trusting them not to...etc., etc.

Synonyms for love: adulationaffectionallegianceamity,amorousness, amourappreciationardency,ardorattachmentcase*, cherishing, crush,delightdevotedness, devotionemotion,enchantmentenjoymentfervorfidelityflame,fondnessfriendshiphankeringidolatry,inclinationinfatuationinvolvementlikelust,mad for, partiality, passionpietyrapture,regardrelishrespectsentimentsoft spot,tastetenderness, weaknessworshipyearning,zealadmireadulate, be attached to, be captivatedby, be crazy about, be enamored of, beenchanted by, be fascinated with, be fond of,be in love with, canonize, care for, cherish,choosedeify, delight in, dote on, esteemexalt,fall for, fancyglorifygo for, gone on, haveaffection for, have it bad, hold dear, hold high,idolizelong for, lose one's heart to, prefer,prizeput on pedestal, think the world of, thrivewith, treasureveneratewild for, worship, caress, clasp, cling, cosset, court, cuddle, draw close, embrace, feel, fondle, hold, hug, kiss, lick, look, tenderly, make love, neck, pet, press, shine, soothe, stroke, take into one's arms, tryst, woo. 

Antonyms for love: dislikehatehatred, scorn, abstain, aversion, contempt, disapproval, disgust, disregard, loathing

I found these definitions/synonyms/antonyms in various sites... It's all very interesting. Did you know there are concept dictionaries???? Anyways...the dictionary definitions were pretty one-sided, and honestly, completely lame. The ones in the urban dictionaries were much better...though someone did post a video called bunny suicide as a that supposed to be funny or...? So, that was my weird post about love. Oh, and by the way, I spelled "synonym" right, it just looks..weird. 

A Poem About My Kitty

Queen of the World

A flick

Of the ear, a shuffle
Of furry boots--
No noise will faze her.

A tap of the tail,

Once, twice,
Three times
She is impatient.

Impatient and bored,
For she is suddenly displeased
With her current position and proceeds
To lie down,

Falling to the carpet
With a

Why? She asks herself,
Paws now comfortably
Under her chest,

Is it so hard
For everyone to understand?
Her steady stare will not waver
As she challenges me to disagree.

I am CAT.
Regal and dignified.
Behold me,
       For I own everything you see and everything you cannot.

Her vain attitude,
Almost laughable,
Her being so simple-minded
And small

I, clearly the larger,
More intelligent animal,
Should not be threatened
By this boast of arrogance.

But I find that this
Is not the case.

The more complicated
You think you are
The more complicated
You become

For her, nothing is complicated.
She is queen,
Sleek and satin empress.

The forcible feline breaks her gaze
Realizing that I have succumbed
To her unshakable confidence.
She is clearly the higher being.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's (Mostly) A Title

I never know what to title my blogs. I always come up with something (I hate having something untitled) but it's usually just a complete nonsense title that has to do with nothing.
So yeah. That's my big realization: My titles (mostly) make no sense. And apparently I love parenthetic marks.

Let's see...what to write about? Well, I could write about....

Annoying teachers
Why I'm annoyed by teachers
How ironic it is that my parents are teachers
My new puppy
Oh, sorry, not my new puppy
Always (The Castle finale)
How I'm always available and no one knows
And then when I'm not, I'm conveniently...UGH
How I don't's not's just that...
Stana Katic
Annoying people
Why I am annoyed by annoying people
Stana Katic's amazing kissing skills
Why I shouldn't care about things that I do care about
Why when something is a month late, it's a month late
How I love chocolate strawberry cake 
How she's sitting on a swingset one second, then (fill in the blank) THE NEXT!
How cute puppies are when they're lying on an air-vent and they're ears are being blown around
Teddy bears
How I'm wondering if anyone is going to catch the Castle reference hidden in the order of this list...