I should be sleeping.
I mean, according to my health teacher and my parents and apparently my cousins, I should be sleeping. "Ten hours of sleep is really ideal, Kayla. That's what a normal, well-functioning teen should be getting: Ten hours of sleep."
Well, too bad.
Because I'm not. I just CAN'T GO TO SLEEP. I mean, I certainly wish I could. I'm so damn tired in school sometimes that I have to slap myself to keep Mr. English Teacher from lulling me to sleep with his slight Southern drawl. Or I have to worry Mrs. Math Teacher's hideous voice setting off multiple alarms in my brain, screaming, "The world has become an evil, awful-sounding place! Shut down, shut down!" Or I have to pray to God that Mr. World History doesn't find my grade to be below my potential, so I don't have to pretend to not be crying in front of cutthroat, scar-bearing girls and freakishly tall man-boys.
I wish that after my day at school, I could just come home and SLEEP. But I can't! It's impossible! After a day of listening to the teacher go over the homework we did last night, I take the long route home, my backpack straining my neck muscles and shoulder blades so severely that I think high school must be one of the leading factors of the declining life expectancy in the great U.S.A. When I finally get to sit down again, I immediately take out my homework and start furiously scribbling what we will talk about next class, and probably the class after that.
By the way, my teachers all say that we're running "a bit behind." But I'm starting to think "behind" is the new "right on track."
Anyways, this whole time, as I'm sitting in my last-period class, waiting for the bell to ring, watching the clock... The whole time that I'm walking home, wishing there wasn't a weight on my back... The whole time I'm carrying out the drudgery that is homework, I am thinking about SLEEP.
I just
To sleep.
But I can't. Because there are things to do, and people to see. But mostly just things to do...
The funny thing is, when everything is done and my homework is printed and name/date-stamped and stapled and filed, I suddenly become not tired. My brain all the sudden turns upside down, and everything I've been working towards flies out the window. Sleep is no longer my first priority. I need to look up spoilers for my favorite TV show, or better yet, watch my favorite TV show. I also have to text my friend about that thing, and finish that song that I've been working on.
What sleep?!
Of course, 5 hours later, I will remember what sleep is. And I will remember in Geometry, when I find my eyelids fluttering and my breathing slowing, how important it is that I get it. So I'll promise myself, I'll say, "Kayla, you will not go to sleep at an obscene hour tonight. You will find a way to discipline yourself, and you will wake up feeling refreshed and excited and not falling asleep in Geometry."
Lather, rinse, repeat, my friends. Lather, rinse, repeat.