Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

It's weird. I see everything in pictures. Every year is like this big long list. Like a calendar: but all in one big piece of paper going month by month, day by day. On January 1st, my head can't mentally see myself at the top of the list again. I'm never at the top of the list, now that I think of it. It's like I join around the middle of January because my strange mind won't let me start from the beginning.

It's like those incredibly stressful dreams I used to have! Those ones where there would be a perfect circle cut in the bread, but the circle of bread was sticking out a bit at the top. I would push it in, so the surface of the bread would be level and equal. But then the cut out circle would just stick out the bottom. So I cut off the extra bread of the circle, thinking that it would solve my problem. But the Bread Circle defied all rules of physics! Every time I would cut the BC on one side of the piece of bread, the part of the BC on the other side would pop up unequally.


Wow...this was a very strange and off-topic post for the New Year.

Maybe I should check myself in to a mental ward. I mean, stress dreams about BREAD?! C'MON!!

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